First you’re going to boil some water. Then remove the water from the heat. Next, hold one tray by the tab and immerse the tray into the hot water for about 5 seconds.
IMPORTANT: As soon as the tray starts to wilt, remove it from the water.
Making sure the sides of the tray do not fold over, position the tray over your upper teeth and then bite down. Don’t worry, it won’t burn.
Firmly press the tray against the front of your teeth with your fingers and at the same time, press the tray against the back of your teeth with your tongue. Leave the tray on your teeth for about 10 seconds, and then remove.
You should see an impression of your teeth in the front part of the tray.
Using small scissors, trim the trays around the gum line (if needed) and cut off the tab.
Repeat the entire process for the bottom set of teeth.